Maquenque Eco Lodge is a beautiful hotel, located in a private farm and nature reserve, which can only be reached by boat, crossing the San Carlos River.
Maquenque Eco Lodge, owned by the Artavia family, is a fantastic hotel located on a 60 hectare farm, currently dedicated to conservation. It has beautiful bungalows and tree houses, and all units are distributed throughout the Lodge's grounds so as not to affect the essence of the place, whose priority is, isolation in the midst of tranquility and tropical nature. Additionally, there is a bar, restaurant and cafeteria. Additionally, the hotel is in the middle of a series of wetlands and navigable lagoons, which tourists can explore by paddling their own canoe for free. Several trails in the middle of the jungle offer the option of seeing species of flora and fauna, including birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
Among the most interesting activities offered by Maquenque Lodge are the boat tour on the San Carlos River, the canoe tour on the Tres Amigos River, paddling and exploring the lagoons of the Lodge on your own, the organic garden tour, guided naturalist morning and night tours and of course, bird watching and nature photography tours. If you are looking for locations to see birds in total tranquility, or to take pictures of some species of fauna or flora, Maquenque undoubtedly provides the perfect environment.
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